Click here for photos from 2014 Krampus Krawl
Oh you better watch out…’cus he’s coming back to town! Every December, Krampus is at it again with another festive holiday pub crawl.
Krampus is the dark companion of St. Nicholas (traditional European winter gift-bringer who rewards good children each year on December 6). Kindly old Saint Nick leaves the task of punishing bad children to a hell-bound counterpart known by many names — Knecht Ruprecht, Certa, Perchten, Black Peter, Schmutzli, Pelznickel, Klaubauf, & KRAMPUS! Usually seen as a classic devil with horns, cloven hooves & monstrous tongue, but also as a sinister gentleman dressed in black or a hairy man-beast. Krampus punishes naughty children, swatting them with switches & rusty chains before dragging them away in baskets.
Krampus is the theme, so prepare to be naughty! But Santa’s & Elves are Welcome too! Good boys & girls may join us but beware as you may end up NAUGHTY
Come out and enjoy the fun of this original event on the Space Coast December 2016.
[email protected] 321-543-1346
Friend me on Facebook: Gary MadHatter Haas
Click the links to find what this night is all about.
Life & Times of Krampus
Krampus Night, Bloomington, Indiana 2012
Krampus NightBefore Christmas
Krampus in LA
Munich Krampus Parade
Short video skit – dark humor